Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cole is 1!!

We had multiple celebrations for Cole this year. We celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa Hickman a week before his birthday, so they could celebrate before they went to Houston.

Jon and I made him a dump truck cake. He didn't care about the cake or the frosting, but he LOVED the M&Ms and Oreos!

And then we had a little party at Oma and Gramps (Dunning) house. Cole loved when everyone sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him! He liked it so much, we sang it twice!!!

Since we knew Cole wouldn't care about the cake, we made one for all of us!

We got him a kitchen for his birthday. We knew he would love it because he got to test it out at Trent and Wendy's over Thanksgiving (thanks Isaac!). He loves it! I have a video that I will try to put up...He used to dance every time the pot would make the bubbling sounds!