Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cole's 2nd Birthday (So...I am a little behind on posts!)

I can't believe Cole is 2! It seems to have gone really fast (and sometimes really slow!) and he is getting so big! We had a little celebration with Oma, Gramps, Uncle Robin and Grandma and Grandpa complete with beef stroganoff (which cole didn't eat) and tossed salad (which cole didn't eat) and a YUMMY chocolate bundt cake (which Cole didn't eat)!. It was a great dinner, and Cole enjoyed his chicken nuggets and noodles....and the way I decorated the cake!

He got into opening his presents this year. He got some Toy Story guys and a little Leap Top Laptop and some darling clothes from Grandma and Grandpa Hickman. He also got some awesome HUGE stamp pads and stamps from Oma and Gramps Dunning and a puzzle. Robin won favorite Uncle by giving him 2 books about cars and trucks and the Worlseys gave Cole a stinkin' cute shirt. Basically, he scored!

He had a great time being the center of attention. We love our little 2-year-old!

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