Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Cole is getting tubes in his ears! We had a consultation today and are having the surgery next week (June 2). We were very impressed with the pediatric ENT staff and are VERY excited for his tubes. Anything that can decrease his ear infections about 80% is a no-brainer!

Now I just have to prepare myself for Cole to have anesthesia. I know it will be fine....but I am nervous, you know?! We are also hoping (but trying not to get our hopes up too much!) that this will help him start talking better. The ENT suggested that it might help in his pronunciation. Cross your fingers!


  1. ya i'm loving all the updates.

    poor cole, I'm sure it will be great for him but doesn't sound fun. my niece had them. good luck

  2. We all had tubes in our ears growing up--I think I had to have them twice. It would be so great if it helps him to get sick less! And we'll be crossing our fingers for the better speech. When they tested Jonathan's hearing I was secretly like, "That would be awesome," because it was better than the alternative, you know? It's a little demented, but oh well :)

    Jonathan had to have general anesthesia at 6 months. It was hard for me, but he was fine. Really upset coming out of it (as was I when I got it at 15 and 17), but he was fine. Cole will be great, too! Where is he getting it done?
